Thursday, April 7, 2011


This picture makes me excited to be a mom.

... and inspires me to make a quilt for my baby.


  1. I love being a mom...even through the days of puke and boogers...and through the tantrums and sleepless nights. It's the best, and hardest, thing I've ever done. As for the quilt, I'm lucky that my mom makes quilts because I don't have the time (or the patience) to make one!

  2. What sort of song will you be singing when you are acting like the photo?

    Bet it's a dog in that blanket!

    Only silly words, it's exciting! :)

  3. @Marthaamay I would like to imagine I would be singing a song from Sound of Music, but in reality it will probably be something silly like David Bowie's Space Oddity. :)

  4. that photo is so not real. i just got projectile vomited on and i heard no music.

  5. ... actually Jess, it is. That chick made that quilt for her daughter. I found this girl off of Offbeat mama. SO INDULGE IN THE SWEETNESS!
